The North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals is excited to announce that the 2023 North Dakota Academic All-State Teams have been selected. Two hundred two high school seniors were nominated by their school principal and competed for statewide honor in both Class A and B divisions. Student selection is based on grade-point averages, ACT or SAT scores, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and leadership qualities.
Olivia Larson of Griggs County Central was selected as a member of the Gold Team.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Team members will be awarded a certificate of merit by the North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals. In addition, WDAY and Forum Communications will present a medallion to each team member during a televised “Parade of Academic Champions” at the Class A Basketball Tournament in Fargo on Friday, March 10, 2023, and the Class B Boys Basketball Tournament in Bismarck on Friday, March 17, 2023.
Mrs. Ressler nominated Larson for the award and stated, "Olivia Larson is highly deserving of this honor, and she is a great representative of our school to walk through the Parade of Academic Champions on March 17. Earning a spot on the gold, silver, or bronze team is a distinguished honor, and we as a school are very proud of Olivia for attaining the gold level."
Certificates of Merit will be sent to Honorable Mention Team members from the North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals.
This Program is co-sponsored by the North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals and WDAY-TV in Fargo, WDAZ-TV in Grand Forks, KBMY-TV in Bismarck, KMCY-TV in Minot, and Forum Communications Companies.