As we continue to improve our instructional practices, we are taking in feedback about the impact of our grading procedure changes. In response to this feedback, going forward this semester, teachers in grades 6-12 will have the following grading guidelines:
- Two grades entered weekly.
- Grades will be entered as points.
- Grades entered are based on individual achievement of learning goals.
- Teachers will make learning goals known to students.
- How the assignment relates to the learning goal and how students will be assessed will be made known to the student as part of the assignment explanation.
- Group work is not included, unless teamwork is part of the learning goal.
- Grades related to behavior will be entered as a Career Ready Practice grade (1, 2, 3, or 4) that does not impact a student’s letter grade or GPA. (Grades 7-12 only)
- Redos and retakes on assessments are available, and students need to communicate with teachers to arrange for a redo or retake.
Our focus as teachers is on quality instruction and quality communication of achievement. As we continue to improve our practices, we are looking for parents to serve on an advisory committee to help inform future decision making and changes in the district. In addition to academic concerns, we will utilize this committee to inform mental health concerns and district policies and procedures. Please complete this form with your name and contact information to volunteer to serve on this committee.